HD ADAS Assisted Driving System - Pedestrian Recognition

HD ADAS Assisted Driving System - Pedestrian Recognition

2020-02-14 11:57:14   251

Lane Departure Warning SystemMonitors the vehicle’s position and initiate a warning in case of lane drift.Forwards Vehicle Start AlertNotifies the driver by means of a buzzer when the preceding car mo

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Lane Departure Warning System

Monitors the vehicle’s position and initiate a warning in case of lane drift.

MetInfo enterprise content manager system | MetInfo CMS

Forwards Vehicle Start Alert

Notifies the driver by means of a buzzer when the preceding car moves away at traffic signals.

MetInfo enterprise content manager system | MetInfo CMS

TTC (Time To Collision) For FCWS

Triggers an audio alarm when the TTC is shorter than the pre-set time.

Surround Monitoring

Safe Driving Index

Analyses driving data and habits.

Surround Monitoring

Last Parking Location

Enables the localization of parked vehicles.

MetInfo enterprise content manager system | MetInfo CMS

Forward Collision Warning System

Monitors the distance vise-a-vis the preceding car and triggers a warning in case of collision risk.

MetInfo enterprise content manager system | MetInfo CMS

E-Call (Emergency Call)

Carry-out emergency calls to emergency centers and pre-registered emergency contacts for assistance after accident occurrence.

Surround Monitoring

Eco Driving Index

Analyses the driving habits for a safe, economical, and eco driving experience.

Surround Monitoring


Oversees the status of all vehicle parts and performs problem diagnostics.

Surround Monitoring

Android Phone Battery Charger

Maintains the phone battery charged.

ADAS Advanced Driver Assistance System

Surround Monitoring

Lane Departure Warning

Monitors the driver’s position on the road and alerts the driver in case of involuntary lane deviation.

-Operating Condition: Driving speed of 60km/h or more

Surround Monitoring

Forward Collision Warning

Measures the time before frontal collisions and alerts the driver in case of collision risk.

-Operating condition: Driving speed of 30km/h or more

Surround Monitoring

Urban Forward Collision Warning

Measures the distance of the driver’s in regard to the foregoing car in urban environments and alerts the driver in case it dangerously approaches the preceding car.

-Operating Condition: driving speed of 5km/h ~ 30km/h

E-Call Emergency Call

Surround Monitoring
Surround Monitoring
Primary and Secondary Contact
Select a primary and secondary contact from phone contact list to
receive emergency calls.
Emergency Contact
Input the national emergency rescue phone number
Insurance Contact
Input the insurance company phone number

Car Management

